With the release of OrientDB 2.2 Enterprise edition, Teleporter moved out of it’s beta stage and is now an official OrientDB Enterprise tool. With it you can:
- Easily Synchronize your OrientDB Database with an RDBMS.
- Migrate your complete RDBMS to OrientDB.
Teleporter is fully compatible with several RDBMS that have a JDBC driver and it has been successfully tested with Oracle®, SQLServer®, MySQL®, PostgreSQL® and HyperSQL®*. It manages all the necessary type conversions between the different DBMSs and imports all your data as Graph in OrientDB. To do this, Teleporter looks for specific DBMS metadata in order to perform a logical inference of the source DB schema and subsequently building a corresponding graph model (Have a look at our video for a quick Teleporter demonstration). It provides two extecution strategies out of the box:
- Naive strategy.
- Naive-aggregate strategy.

Easily configure Teleporter from OrientDB Studio.
Teleporter comes bundled with OrientDB Enterprise and can be easily configured in OrientDB Studio, so be sure to check out our subscription and support packages. Choose the best plan to fit your enterprise needs and begin syncing your relational data to OrientDB right way!
Need a hand getting started with Teleporter? Head over to our Documentation and learn how you can easily teleport your data. You can also read our Teleporter blog series to learn how to configure your teleporter migration:
Get Teleporter with OrientDB Enterprise Edition
If you currently work with Oracle®, SQLServer®, MySQL®, PostgreSQL® or HyperSQL®* and need to sync data to a graph DBMS, don’t miss out on Teleporter. Graph databases are quickly becoming the new standard and with its its Multi-Model capabilities OrientDB offers all the advantages of graph databases plus the flexibility of a document database. All in one scalable, high-performance, operational database.
*All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.