Server Commands - CREATE DATABASE

Creates a database on the current environment/server


CREATE DATABASE foo plocal users (foo identified by 'pippo' role admin, reader identified by ? role [reader, writer])

CREATE DATABASE <dbName> <type> [ USERS (<username> IDENTIFIED BY <password> ROLE <roleName>)*] [<configJson>]
  • <dbName> The database name
  • <type> plocal or memory
  • <username> the name of a user to add to the database
  • <password> the password of a user to add to the database
  • <roleName> the name of a role to assign to the user added to the database
  • <configJson> the custom configuration for current db


  • Create a DB:

    orientdb> CREATE DATABASE foo plocal
  • Create a DB with custom users:

    orientdb> CREATE DATABASE foo plocal users (foo identified by 'pippo' role admin, reader identified by ? role [reader, writer])
  • Create a DB with legacy default users:

    orientdb> CREATE DATABASE foo plocal {"config":{"security.createDefaultUsers": true}} 

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