(since v 3.2)

Connects the console to an OrientDB server or to an embedded environment.


CONNECT ENV <env-url> [<user> <password>]
  • <env-url> defines the URL of an OrientDB server/environment. It uses the format <mode>:<path>
    • <mode> Defines the mode you want to use in connecting to the database. It can be plocal or remote.
    • <path> Defines the path to the database.
  • <user> Defines the user you want to connect with.
  • <password> Defines the password needed to connect, with the defined user. User and password are needed to execute authenticated operations on the environment (eg. create a database on a remote server); they are not needed for operations that do not require an authentication or that require different credentials (eg. to open a database you can pass the database user and password, see OPEN)

After the console is connected to an environment, it allows to execute opeartions and Server-Level commands on it.


  • Connect the console to a local (embedded) environment as the user root, loading it directly into the console:

    orientdb> connect env plocal:../databases/
  • Connect to a remote server:

    orientdb> connect env remote: root root

For more information on other commands, see Console Commands.

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